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Thursday, December 15, 2016

Walt Disney: 12/5/1901 - 12/15/1966

Fifty years ago, the unthinkable happened- the world lost Walt Disney.


Mr. Disney was simply following his dreams. As it turned out, those dreams would make him known around the world.


Today, fifty years after his death, Walt Disney's dreams live on. Babies who don't even know who Walt Disney was still embrace his characters and his Magic Kingdom.


"In 1966, the world was saddened hearing of his death. But it's such a comfort to know his soul lives on, together with his dreams. And his memory will live forever in my heart."

-Annette Funicello


“Yesterday, a man walked up to me and said, ‘Isn’t it a shame that Walt Disney couldn’t be here to see this?’ and I said, 'He did see this, that’s why it’s here.'"

-Art Linkletter