Featured Attractions

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Slue Foot Sue's Golden Horseshoe

Just around the bend in Frontierland is a lively little place that has hosted legends, villains, clowns & gorgeous dancers alike- the fabulous Golden Horseshoe. As the glamorous Slue Foot Sue sings in the place's theme song, she won the place when her "boss man drew a nine" and has entertained millions in her little saloon since that fateful day.

An inspiration to millions, the show even inspired a young Steve Martin to begin a career in showbiz. Amazingly, three future Disney Legends performed regularly on the stage in front of millions of appreciative DISNEYLAND guests- Miss Betty Taylor, Mr. Wally Boag and Mr. Fulton Burley. Never before and possibly never again, would theme park guests see such talent in a live show performed several times a day.

As the song goes, the welcome mat was always out at The Golden Horseshoe and millions have enjoyed the magical show within that famous building.