Featured Attractions

Friday, March 28, 2014

Enchanted Tiki Room - Wondrous Show! Wondrous Food?!?!

Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room was originally supposed to be more than a show; it was also supposed to be a restaurant too. Sponsored by Stouffer's, the Tiki Room was originally planned to be dinner AND a show. They even went so far as to furnish the show floor with tables, chairs and fixtures suitable for a restaurant....

But then, several problems arose. Would guests be willing to eat under unpredictable birds? (Even though they were robotic birds?) Would they be able to clear the tables to allow new guests to enjoy the show? These issues were deemed insurmountable, so Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room opened without the restaurant and has been wowing guests since. Do any elements of the restaurant remain today? Yes! Look closely at the cabinet sitting under the central fountain; its original purpose was to store silverware, cups and coffee.