In 1994, Disney knew that it had something special in its newest animated film The Lion King. Even before the film was released, the DISNEYLAND Entertainment Department set about to translate the magic that would be unleashed on theater screens into a real life spectacular. And spectacular it was!
DISNEYLAND's Lion King Celebration was a rhythmic salute to the movie that graced Main Street, often up to three times daily! Widely regarded as the greatest parade ever staged by DISNEYLAND (or any Disney theme park for that matter) The Lion King Celebration set the bar for what a parade could be so high that it has yet to be matched. The parade was so beloved that Disney produced a popular videocassette sold only in DISNEYLAND that quickly sold out to grateful guests who were happy to take home a reminder of a truly magical experience.
"It's the circle of life
And it moves us all
Through despair and hope
Through faith and love
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the circle
The circle of life."